Sunday, August 4, 2024

Mini Project 9 - My Alternate Universe (AU) Family Tree

 Hello everyone :)

It's been a long while since the last update; a big apology for the long overdue post.

For this mini project (targeted at Year 5, Unit 2 from English Plus 1 CEFR Textbook), we got the pupils to reuse the 'nametag' they created before and extend it into a family tree! 

Just like the previous mini project, instead of maintaining the pupils and their family's original identity, they get to assume and/or create another family identity, hence the Alternate Universe (AU) idea. Here is one example of a completed AU family tree:

The mini project flow is as follows:

1. Before the project starts, pupils recap the names of countries and nationalities learnt previously, as well as how to draw a family tree.

2. Each pupil decides on the names of their AU father, AU mother and AU siblings based on the list of male and female names according to the nationality. (The list can be prepared by the teacher or pupils can google for it on their own. For the list shared in this blog, the names are taken from Google.)

3. For every AU family member, pupil needs to include:

    - AU name
    - AU nationality
    - AU hobby / routine

4. Pupil decorates their AU family tree and gets ready to present it to the class.

5. While listening to the presentation, pupil writes the AU name and routine as well as tick the nationality(ies). (The number of nationalities depends on the pupil.)

Record Sheet for Speaking Presentation

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 

1) Listen to the instructions to complete the AU Family Tree. During the speaking presentation, they listen and complete the record sheet. 
2) Talk about their AU family tree in simple sentences. 
3) Read the information on the AU family tree chart.  
4) Write simple sentences to prepare for speaking presentation and spell names of nationalities and hobby/routine correctly.   
5) Arrange and design the family tree creatively.

To get the materials for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

That's about it; simple, fun and it broadens the young minds! Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Mini Project 8 - My AU (Alternate Universe) Profile Card

Hello everyone :)

For our first mini project in 2024 (targeted at Year 5 for the Starter Unit from English Plus 1 CEFR Textbook), we got the pupils to create their own 'nametag'. Compared to the usual nametag which has the school crest and pupil's name, this profile card contains more information such as the name, nationality, favourite food and hobby (Food and hobby can be more than one).

Here's the CATCH and FUN part!

Instead of maintaining pupils' own identity, they get to assume another identity, hence the Alternate Universe (AU) idea. Here are a few examples of completed AU profile cards:

The mini project flow is as follows:

1. Each pupil picks two country flags at random. (We prepared Australia, Malaysia, Egypt, India, China, Japan, Russia, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, the US, the UK, Spain and Turkey flags, as per what they've learnt before.)

2. Each pupil also picks one number. This determines which profile image they will get for their profile cards. (PS: The profile images are AI-generated, so this makes the project SUPER fun!)

3. After picking the country flags, pupils are called to choose their AU names. For example, if a pupil chooses Japan and Australia flag, his AU name can be Naruto Oliver. He can also choose to maintain his original name as well for his AU name. (List of names from different countries are listed from Google.)

4. Each pupil gets an empty card where they need to paste the AI-generated profile image and country flags as well as write their AU names, AU nationalities, favourite food and hobby.

5. When the profile cards are ready, each pupil introduces their AU selves to the class. While listening, the others write the AU names, AU nationality and favourite food mentioned in the Record Sheet. 

6. Pupils do a gallery walk to complete the information (if they couldn't catch it during presentation) and also vote for the most creative profile card.

Record Sheet for Speaking Presentation

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 

1) Listen to the instructions to complete the profile card. During the speaking presentation, they listen and complete the record sheet. 
2) Talk about their AU selves in simple sentences. 
3) Read the information on profile cards during gallery walk.  
4) Write simple sentences to prepare for speaking presentation and spell names of nationalities, food and hobbies correctly.   
5) Arrange and design the profile card creatively.

To get the materials for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

That's about it; simple, fun and it broadens the young minds! Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Year 6 Workbooks Set

Hello, everyone! :) 

For the first post in 2024, we are excited to share THREE new products:

1) YEAR 6 Workbook Teacher's Copy
2) YEAR 6 Student Workbook
3) YEAR 6 Student Workbook LEVEL UP!

The YEAR 6 Workbook series is suitable to be used alongside the Academy Star CEFR Pupil's Book (suitable for 11 years old onwards). Just like the Year 4 and Year 5 workbook sets, we have created and assembled together various activities to help learners improve on their listening, speaking, reading, writing and language arts skills in fun and interesting ways. 

We have prepared the Student's Workbook as well as the Teacher's Copy (which includes instructions on how to carry out the listening and speaking activities, sample answers for the activities AND Listening Tracks for all Listening activities). The activities cover all the Year 6 DSKP learning standards (it is stated in the teacher's copy), so this gives learners more practice in the language skills. 

Also, the LEVEL UP! version is similar to the Student Workbook, but with differentiated tasks to help the less proficient learners reach the same objective as the rest in the class.

Here's the preview of the exercises: 

YEAR 6 Workbook Teacher's Copy:

YEAR 6 Student Workbook:

YEAR 6 Student Workbook LEVEL UP!:

To view more details about the Workbooks, click on the links below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Feel free to share the post so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. :)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Mini Project 7 - Adjective Dice

Hello everyone! :)

This time, our mini project would be on one grammar item, which is Adjectives. The reason for this was because while the pupils were learning about adjectives, they thought that the different adjective forms (comparative and superlative) had totally different meanings. Therefore, we did this so that they understood that the core meaning is the same, but the 'degree' is different. We call it the Adjective Dice.  

Here are the templates to create the dice. (We use the same template to create the dice for our FDP (Fraction - Decimal - Percentage) Box project :)

Dice layout

6-faced dice templates

First, pupils select one adjective. It can be their own choice or the teacher provides an adjective list for them to choose. Next, pupils choose a dice template and fill in each box with these details (in no particular order):

1) the base form and its meaning in mother tongue (The mother tongue meaning is optional. We did it as it helped our pupils understand the meaning better.)
2) the comparative form and its meaning in mother tongue
3) the superlative form and its meaning in mother tongue
4) one sentence using the base form
5) one sentence using the comparative form
6) one sentence using the superlative form

One complete example for each face on the dice would be:

1) big
2) bigger
3) biggest
4) My father drives a big car.
5) Mr. Thomas has a bigger van than his brother.
6) The headmaster owns the biggest car in my school.

Once they're done writing, they submit it for correction before colouring the background picture (ball or flower) on each face. Then, pupils cut and paste them on the dice layout before cutting it and folding it into a complete dice!

At the end of the project, pupils gather in a circle to play Musical Ball. When the music stops, the pupil holding the ball tries to mime the adjective for the others to guess. Another pupil says the comparative or superlative form or even create another sentence using that adjective. (This part depends on what the teacher wants to focus on, either on knowing the adjective forms, sentence construction or even spelling of adjectives in different forms.)

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 
1) Listen to the instructions given to complete the adjective dice. 
2) Say a sentence using the adjective during Musical Ball game. 
3) Read the adjective and think of suitable actions to mime for others to guess.  
4) Write simple sentences for each adjective form.  
5) Colour the background picture and design the adjective dice creatively.

To get the material for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

That's all about this mini project; it's quite simple and fun! Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

English Academy Stars Year 6 Scrapbook (Units 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Hello, everyone! 

Have you tried any mini projects shared in this blog? Do check them out for more variety of fun activities for your class :) 

This week, we would like to share Scrapbook Materials for Units 2, 3, 4 and 5 from English Academy Stars CEFR Textbook, meant for ages 11 and abovePictures are taken from Google and there are also some grammar exercises for each unit. :)

Here's the preview of the materials for the scrapbook:

Hopefully these will help the students learn through simple vocabulary and grammar activities. Feel free to adapt and add on to the materials as well. 

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:
To download the Scrapbook Materials, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a good week ahead. :)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Mini Project 6 - Transport Antique Camera

Hello everyone :)

Here's one activity which can showcase pupils' creativity in Art. At the end of the topic on transportation, pupils create their own Transport Antique Camera.  

Here's the template to create the camera. Credit goes to the owner of the original template :)

Pupils have the freedom to draw design on the camera. However, on the film strips, they need to draw a panoramic view of a vehicle (one in each white box). At the back of the film strip, pupils need to write one safety rule  for each vehicle drawn. 

When all antique cameras are ready, pupils prepare to present it. To wrap it up, pupils do a gallery walk to look at their friend's antique cameras. While looking, they vote for the most beautifully drawn panoramic vehicle view by writing a name on a paper strip.

Sample of a finished product

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 
1) Listen to the instructions given to complete the antique camera as well as listen to what was shared during the presentation (prepares them for spontaneous Q&A). 
2) Talk about the safety rule for each vehicle. 
3) Read the safety rules during gallery walk.  
4) Write and spell the names of transport as well as punctuate correctly when writing safety rules.  
5) Draw panoramic view of vehicles and design the antique camera creatively.
6) Do a gallery walk to see what others have drawn and vote.

To get the material for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Have fun with your learners. Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Mini Project 5 - My Food House Chart

Hello everybody! It's been a while since the last post. Hope you're all doing fine :)

Here's a fun activity which was done with a group of 10-year-olds. At the end of the topic about food (A Healthy Balanced Diet), we thought of getting them to recap on the different types of food and beverages they've learnt by creating a food house chart.  

Here's the template to create the chart. Credit goes to the owner of the original template :)

There are a few ways pupils can create the content, depending on the title they would like to give it, such as: 

- My Favourite Food House Chart

- My Favourite Beverage House Chart

- My Healthy Food House Chart

Once they have finished drawing and labelling (they can also opt to google the photos and paste them), pupils cut the house parts and join them to make the chart. 

While pupils do gallery walk to look at their friend's house charts, they are given record sheets to note if any of their friends share similar favourite food or drinks. After that, they can pair up to share what they've learnt from the gallery walk.

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 
1) Listen to the instructions given to complete the house chart as well as listen to what was shared at the end of the gallery walk. 
2) Talk about who has similar favourites. 
3) Read the food and drink labels from the chart to make meaning of the pictures.  
4) Write and spell the labels correctly and in legible print.  
5) Draw pictures and create the house chart creatively.
6) Do a gallery walk to find out what others have drawn and complete the record sheet.

To get the material for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Have fun with your learners. Feel free to modify and adapt the materials to suit them. Also, feel free to share the post so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)