Saturday, October 28, 2023

English Academy Stars Year 6 Scrapbook (Units 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Hello, everyone! 

Have you tried any mini projects shared in this blog? Do check them out for more variety of fun activities for your class :) 

This week, we would like to share Scrapbook Materials for Units 2, 3, 4 and 5 from English Academy Stars CEFR Textbook, meant for ages 11 and abovePictures are taken from Google and there are also some grammar exercises for each unit. :)

Here's the preview of the materials for the scrapbook:

Hopefully these will help the students learn through simple vocabulary and grammar activities. Feel free to adapt and add on to the materials as well. 

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:
To download the Scrapbook Materials, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a good week ahead. :)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Mini Project 6 - Transport Antique Camera

Hello everyone :)

Here's one activity which can showcase pupils' creativity in Art. At the end of the topic on transportation, pupils create their own Transport Antique Camera.  

Here's the template to create the camera. Credit goes to the owner of the original template :)

Pupils have the freedom to draw design on the camera. However, on the film strips, they need to draw a panoramic view of a vehicle (one in each white box). At the back of the film strip, pupils need to write one safety rule  for each vehicle drawn. 

When all antique cameras are ready, pupils prepare to present it. To wrap it up, pupils do a gallery walk to look at their friend's antique cameras. While looking, they vote for the most beautifully drawn panoramic vehicle view by writing a name on a paper strip.

Sample of a finished product

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 
1) Listen to the instructions given to complete the antique camera as well as listen to what was shared during the presentation (prepares them for spontaneous Q&A). 
2) Talk about the safety rule for each vehicle. 
3) Read the safety rules during gallery walk.  
4) Write and spell the names of transport as well as punctuate correctly when writing safety rules.  
5) Draw panoramic view of vehicles and design the antique camera creatively.
6) Do a gallery walk to see what others have drawn and vote.

To get the material for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Have fun with your learners. Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Mini Project 5 - My Food House Chart

Hello everybody! It's been a while since the last post. Hope you're all doing fine :)

Here's a fun activity which was done with a group of 10-year-olds. At the end of the topic about food (A Healthy Balanced Diet), we thought of getting them to recap on the different types of food and beverages they've learnt by creating a food house chart.  

Here's the template to create the chart. Credit goes to the owner of the original template :)

There are a few ways pupils can create the content, depending on the title they would like to give it, such as: 

- My Favourite Food House Chart

- My Favourite Beverage House Chart

- My Healthy Food House Chart

Once they have finished drawing and labelling (they can also opt to google the photos and paste them), pupils cut the house parts and join them to make the chart. 

While pupils do gallery walk to look at their friend's house charts, they are given record sheets to note if any of their friends share similar favourite food or drinks. After that, they can pair up to share what they've learnt from the gallery walk.

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 
1) Listen to the instructions given to complete the house chart as well as listen to what was shared at the end of the gallery walk. 
2) Talk about who has similar favourites. 
3) Read the food and drink labels from the chart to make meaning of the pictures.  
4) Write and spell the labels correctly and in legible print.  
5) Draw pictures and create the house chart creatively.
6) Do a gallery walk to find out what others have drawn and complete the record sheet.

To get the material for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Have fun with your learners. Feel free to modify and adapt the materials to suit them. Also, feel free to share the post so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)