Friday, January 31, 2020

Text 9 - Cats Poem (With Suggested Activities & Answer Key)

Hello everyone! Hope you've had a great time trying out the previous comprehension texts with your students :)

This week, we would like to share another comprehension text with its suggested activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills as well as Grammar and Language Arts. It is a poem on Cats

Here's the preview of the text and suggested activities:

Feel free to modify or adapt the activities to suit your learners' level. 

Hopefully these help! The Answer Keys are also provided.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like our page:

To download the PDF Text, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, January 24, 2020

Text 8 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (With Suggested Activities & Answer Keys)

Hello everyone! Wishing you Happy Lunar New Year 2020 to those who are celebrating!

This week, we would like to share a comprehension text with its suggested activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills as well as Grammar and Language Arts. It is a fairy tale on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Here's the preview of the text and suggested activities:

Feel free to modify or adapt the activities to suit your learners' level. 

Hopefully these help! The Answer Keys are also provided.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like our page:

To download the PDF Text, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Proverbs / Idioms Matching Game Set 4

Hello everyone! 

For this week, we will be sharing the fourth set of Proverbs  / Idioms Matching Game

Here are some previews of what the cards look like:

These are suggested ways to play it:

1) Place all the cards are on the board. Each pupil takes turn to take two cards and match them together on the board within the time limit given.

2) Each pupil is given a card and they move around to find their matching partner. After that, they read the proverb and its meaning before recording it in their notebooks.

3) Each pupil is given a card. As the teacher draws one card, the pupil holding the matching card will stand and complete the proverb.

4) Each pupil is given a card and they play Memory game. Two pupils at a time will stand and decide if their cards match to create a proverb. If they do, they stand together in front of the class. If the cards do not match, they sit down again.

Do try out this game with your pupils. :)

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like our page:

To download the pdf, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Thank you :)

Friday, January 10, 2020

Text 7 - Egg Sandwich Recipe (With Suggested Activities & Answer Keys)

Hello everyone! Hope the new year has been treating you well.

This week, we would like to share another comprehension text with its suggested activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills as well as Grammar and Language Arts. It is titled Egg Sandwich Recipe

Here's the preview of the text and suggested activities:

Feel free to modify the activities to cater to your learners' level. 

Hopefully these help! The Answer Keys are also provided.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like our page:

To download the PDF Text, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, January 3, 2020

Text 6 - The Scarecrow (With Suggested Activities & Materials)

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!! Wishing everyone a joyful 2020!

To kick start the year, we would like to share a comprehension text with its suggested activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills as well as Grammar and Language Arts. It is titled The Scarecrow

Here's the preview of the text and suggested activities:

These are suggested activities for each skill. Feel free to modify them to suit your learners' level. 

Hopefully these help! The Answer Keys are also provided.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like our page:

To download the PDF Text, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a great weekend! :)