Saturday, April 15, 2023

English Academy Stars Year 6 Scrapbook (Units 0 and 1)

Hello, everyone! 

How did the Profile Chain Activity go with your class? If you haven't tried it out, do refer to the post here:

This week, we would like to share Scrapbook Materials for Units 0 and 1 from English Academy Stars CEFR Textbook, meant for ages 11 and abovePictures are taken from Google. We just put them together in this way to help pupils reinforce the vocabulary learnt in these units :)

Here's the preview of the materials for the scrapbook:

Hopefully these will help the students learn through simple vocabulary activities. Feel free to adapt and add on to the materials as well. 

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:
To download the Scrapbook Materials, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a good week ahead. :)

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Fun Mini-Project 1: Profile Chain Activity

Hello everybody! Hope you're all doing fine.

This year, we would like to share a series of fun MINI-PROJECTS which can be carried out in the classroom, so don't miss out on trying them with your pupils.

Mini-Project 1: Profile Chain Activity 
(Suitable for ANY grade / level)

This project allows pupils to talk about themselves in a unique way. They are given a paper to draw any object they like. On the object itself, pupils divide it into sections for them to write details such as their names, likes / dislikes, hobbies, ambition and something their friends should know about them. An example is shown below, which we modify from the original hoodie picture (Credit goes to for the original idea.)

What are the benefits? All language skills are incorporated in this mini project (even language arts!). Pupils need to: 
1) Read and understand the labels. 
2) Write the answers with correct spelling. 
3) Talk about themselves with a friend. 
4) While each pupil shares their profile with the class, the others listen and fill in the table with correct information. 
5) Language arts is seen in their creativity of colouring their profile.

An example of record sheet for listening activity

To get the PDF of the activity, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

PS: If you'd like to be notified of future updates, you can like the page:

Feel free to share the post so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)