Sunday, August 21, 2022

English Plus 1 Year 5 Scrapbook (Starter Unit, Unit 1 and 2)

Hello, everyone! It has been a long while since we shared something new with everyone. Hope everyone is well and doing fine. 

We would like to share Scrapbook Materials for each unit taken from English Plus 1 Cambridge Textbook, starting with the Starter Unit, Unit 1, Unit 2Pictures are taken from Google. We just put them together in this way to help pupils reinforce the vocabulary learnt in these units :)

Here's the preview of the materials for the scrapbook:

Hopefully these will help the students learn through simple project-based learning. Feel free to adapt and add on to the materials as well. 

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

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To download the Scrapbook Materials, click on the link below:

Feel free to share the post. Have a good week ahead. :)