Sunday, August 4, 2024

Mini Project 9 - My Alternate Universe (AU) Family Tree

 Hello everyone :)

It's been a long while since the last update; a big apology for the long overdue post.

For this mini project (targeted at Year 5, Unit 2 from English Plus 1 CEFR Textbook), we got the pupils to reuse the 'nametag' they created before and extend it into a family tree! 

Just like the previous mini project, instead of maintaining the pupils and their family's original identity, they get to assume and/or create another family identity, hence the Alternate Universe (AU) idea. Here is one example of a completed AU family tree:

The mini project flow is as follows:

1. Before the project starts, pupils recap the names of countries and nationalities learnt previously, as well as how to draw a family tree.

2. Each pupil decides on the names of their AU father, AU mother and AU siblings based on the list of male and female names according to the nationality. (The list can be prepared by the teacher or pupils can google for it on their own. For the list shared in this blog, the names are taken from Google.)

3. For every AU family member, pupil needs to include:

    - AU name
    - AU nationality
    - AU hobby / routine

4. Pupil decorates their AU family tree and gets ready to present it to the class.

5. While listening to the presentation, pupil writes the AU name and routine as well as tick the nationality(ies). (The number of nationalities depends on the pupil.)

Record Sheet for Speaking Presentation

What are the benefits? All four language skills are incorporated in this mini project as pupils need to: 

1) Listen to the instructions to complete the AU Family Tree. During the speaking presentation, they listen and complete the record sheet. 
2) Talk about their AU family tree in simple sentences. 
3) Read the information on the AU family tree chart.  
4) Write simple sentences to prepare for speaking presentation and spell names of nationalities and hobby/routine correctly.   
5) Arrange and design the family tree creatively.

To get the materials for the project, click on the link below:

Join us at Patreon here to get the FULL materials of what we've shared previously.

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That's about it; simple, fun and it broadens the young minds! Feel free to modify, adapt the materials and share it so that more educators and learners can benefit from it. Till next time :)