Saturday, July 21, 2018

Animal Reading Cards Vol. 1 (25 pages)

Hi everyone! Hope you've enjoyed the freebies so far. As always, a huge THANK YOU to YOU for supporting this blog. You guys are truly awesome! 😍

Good News coming! Here's a FREEBIE set of animal reading cards that we've designed to provide pupils with more fun reading materials.

Take a look at the previews of the content:

This is the first volume of animal reading cards that we've designed so far (more to come!) What to do with this is to compile them into a B5-sized reading book for any pupil to read once they have finished the task in class. Besides that, we also paste them on the walls of the English reading corner in the school, which are the walls near the stairs. That is where pupils have their meals during recess so while eating, they are reading at the same time. :)

The animals in the reading cards (pictures are downloaded from are so colourful and attractive that any pupil would enjoy reading them. As the text for each animal is short, it will not take too much time for the pupils to read yet they will feel a sense of achievement when they are able to read it on their own.

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To download the pdf, click on the link below:

              Download AnimalReadingCardsVol.1

Feel free to share it around. Thank you and have a good week ahead! :)